
Showing posts from December, 2018

A self-defence activities

Self Defence requires self-discipline self-control, listening and the ability to follow instructions.                                           Self Defence requires the individual to use body control, hand and eye coordination skills.          Self-defence  involves more than just blocking, dodging, kicking, punching and throwing.                             There are a number of self-defence techniques, and all of them are very effective. To master one form of self-defence takes many years to learn. There are many places which provide classes in Aikido, Jujitsu, judo, Karate and Tae Know Do and/or basic self-defence classes. ATTITUDE: 1 Be confident (keep your head up), 2 Be alert (be aware), 3 Be assertive AWARENESS: 1 Be aware of your surroundings at all time...

Importance of yoga asanas and their benefits

Yoga is a very ancient discipline. It is recognised as one  of  the most important  and valuable heritages of India.          Yoga is a system of physical and mental discipline which originated in India long ago. Yoga teaches the evolution of the individual by the development of self-discipline and self-awareness.                       Yoga has beneficial results in treating many diseases like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, obesity, etc.                Yoga exercises help to control, purify and coordinate the nervous system. Doing yoga regularly rids the body of toxins, thereby improving general health.                              Yoga improves physical fitness, stress, controls general well-being mental clarity and greater self-understanding. Physical Benefits:...

Important of relaxation

Relaxation is the act of relaxing or state of being relaxed. Relaxation in psychology, is the emotional state of a living being, of low tension, in which there is an absence of arousal that could come from sources such as anger, anxiety, or fear. Relaxation can be achieved through meditation, autogenics, and progressive muscle relaxation.                         Relaxation helps improve coping with stress.  Stress is the leading cause of mental problems and physical problem there for beneficial for a person's  health. When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system is activated because we are in a fight-or-flight response mode; over time, this could have negative effects on a human body.                       Three categories that relaxation can help with are mental, physical, and physiological. Mental health is very important and need...

The gaming industry today

Gaming industry is one its kind, and its fascinating for developers as well as users and investors. How ever, it still has several pain points. Let us introduce you to some of these, so you know how block chain can resolve these issues.                   Some of us spend a lot of time and, some times, money to acquire precious assets in a game. But, there is always a fear that we can loss these any day. Several scenarios can result in this out come. The game creator might go out of business, or some central might go out of business.                                       Suppose, you have spent a lot of time and money to obtain a sword in one game. You complete the game, and want to move on to the next one. You can not use this sword in the new game, as it dose not belong to you. You cant exchange it for something else in another game, ei...

Rhythmic gymnastics health problems

Rhythmic activities are series of movements in which individuals can take part during any study and prominent beat. Rhythmic activities thus physical manifestations of the mental and emotional response of the individual to rhythm.                        Gymnastic originated in ancient Greece, and was originally intended for military training, where it was used by soldiers to prepare for warfare.                                  Gymnastic uses almost exclusively body weight exercises to build upper body,lower body, and core strength.                          At all ages, gymnastic provides an opportunity to develop social skills. Gymnastic is a sport of dedication, athleticism and determination. Gymnasts train hard in order to maintain there strength, balance and flex...

Indigenous sports skills activities

Each sports requires athletes to master specific skills ex:- Shooting in basketball, foot work in soccer,batting in softball. Perfecting these skills requires learning the skill techniques and repeatedly performing  drills to commit them to muscle memory.                  India is home to a divers population playing many different sports a growth for country. Kabaddi, and indigenous sport is popular in rural India.             Several games originated in India including Chess, Snookar and other regional games.                            Games like chess, snakes and ladders, playing cards, originated India, and it was from here that these games were transmitted to foreign country's , where they were for there modernized.        Sport skills are voluntary, coordinated tasks it sport-specific goals. Learning...

The deficiency diseases of vitamins and prevention

Deficiency diseases in children can often hamper regular growth and because serious issues with health. Some deficiency diseases are labeled as pre-determined or genetic. Iron Deficiency   Iron is essential for the growth and development of the kid and the lack of iron in the body is the lady cause of anaemia. In order to avoid iron deficiency in children and promote there mental and physical growth. Vitamin A Deficiency  Children who suffer from the acute deficiency vitamin A. The lack of vitamin A in the body of  development gastroenteritis and respiratory infections along with delayed growth and development of bone. The primary cause of vitamin A loss is prolonged dietary deficiency. vitamin B Deficiency The lack of vitamin B lead to a wide range of disorders, ranging from the sever but uncommon beriberi diseases to more common conditions like anaemia and dermatitis. Vitamin C Deficiency It is required by the human body to form collagen which is ...

The economics of food system

In the last several decades, the economics of the food system changed dramatically. Millions of farms have folded has government policy has encouraged larger, intense farm operations, such as the factory farm model for producing meat, eggs and dairy. Food has become something bigger then it self its about far more then sustenance. Food commodities  trading globalization, trade, energy, biotechnology, and government policy. Food has become very complicated. For ten years now, agricultural subsidies have been among the biggest stumbling blocks to a world trade agreement, know as the Doha round of talks.                   Increase of the speed of production, the intensive confirm production system creates a no of problems. These include contributing to the increase in the pool of antibiotic-resistant bacteria because of over use of antibiotics.  

Common functions of bones and muscles in the human body

Bone is actually a very dynamic organ. It is constantly remodeling and changing shape to adopt to the daily forces placed up on it. Bone is the rigid organ that makes of that's skeleton and it has its own nerves and blood vessels in order to help. It has multiple layers of three different types o tissue. Those are compact, cancellous, periosteum bones. More ever bone stores crucial nutrients, minerals and lipids and produces blood cells. They can play a vital role in protecting the body against infection. All are these functions makes approximately 206 bones of human body. Bones provide a frame work for the attachment of muscles and other tissues. Bones serve has a reservoir for calcium and phosphorus. Lipids, such has fats, stored in adipose cells of the yellow marrow. It can serve has an energy such as like reservoir. Muscles produce movement of by the action of muscles crossing joints between the bones of these skeleton. Muscles play a major role in the body, from...

The Importance of Health and education

Good health starts from the very infancy. It is here that protection and care is needed, so that each organ functions well, each organ develops naturally. Health can be achieved only by understanding what health is, and what it depends and then applying this knowledge in every-day life. Life is a great struggle, and health is the best weapon to be successful in the battle of life. A healthy man can enjoy life in every way. An on healthy man lives a most miserable life. He may have intelligence, merit and wealth, but he can not put them to use and reap there benefits. The first and essential of good health regular exercise. Regular physical exercise is necessary to keep good health. Intoxicating drink and smoking should be avoided for good health. The first requisite is pure air. To secure good health have a sufficient supply of fresh air. For this we should keep the environment clean. 'Early to bed and early to rise' is the best course. To much work or exercise, ...