The deficiency diseases of vitamins and prevention

Deficiency diseases in children can often hamper regular growth and because serious issues with health. Some deficiency diseases are labeled as pre-determined or genetic.

Iron Deficiency 

Iron is essential for the growth and development of the kid and the lack of iron in the body is the lady cause of anaemia. In order to avoid iron deficiency in children and promote there mental and physical growth.

Vitamin A Deficiency 

Children who suffer from the acute deficiency vitamin A. The lack of vitamin A in the body of  development gastroenteritis and respiratory infections along with delayed growth and development of bone. The primary cause of vitamin A loss is prolonged dietary deficiency.

vitamin B Deficiency

The lack of vitamin B lead to a wide range of disorders, ranging from the sever but uncommon beriberi diseases to more common conditions like anaemia and dermatitis.

Vitamin C Deficiency

It is required by the human body to form collagen which is essential for the maintenance and repair of different tissues, including skin, bone, cartilage, teeth, blood vessels, ligaments and tendons.

Vitamin D Deficiency 

Vitamin D is required by kids and unborn babies for bone growth and development. This is owing to the fact that vitamin D helps absorb calcium. Vitamin D may be produce in the body when the skin is expose in sunlight .

Preventing deficiency diseases is possible by ensuring that one must have a balanced diet. Knowledge about  the common deficiency diseases in kids and what must be included in the diet to prevent such diseases.


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