
Showing posts from November, 2018

Defenses To International Torts

Which of the following scenarios illustrates valid and express consent to an act that would otherwise be actionable as an intentional tort? (A)   Stage magician Gethsemane asks the audience for a volunteer to lie down inside a dark wooden coffin and have the lid lowered. Volunteer Victor gets into the coffin and leaps out instantly, having discovered that the bottom of the coffin is lined with spikes. Victor brings an action against Gethsemane for battery. (B)   Bodybuilder Jean, proud of her abdominal muscles, invites Ralph to swing back and punch her with all his might. Ralph does so. Jean is for the most part unharmed, although the punch leaves her out of breath and a little sore for a few  minutes. Jean brings an action against Ralph for battery. (C)   Nurse Nottingham comes to office worker Dilbert’s cubicle and asks Dilbert if he wants to be vaccinated against influenza. Dilbert, wearing a T-shirt and talking on t...

The Power Of Christianity

Perhaps the most extraordinary example of the power of Networking is Christianity.     About 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ appeared with a compelling message about a new and better way of doing things. He gathered around him a small core group of people-average folks: fishermen, tax collectors, teenagers, and the like-who caught the vision, whi shared His dream. He spoke to individuals, small grouos, and large gatherings. The word spread.             Yet even among His ardebt believers and followers, there was one who betrayed Him and others who denied and doubted, too. But no matter, for Jesus had taken a stand for a new way of living that was unshakable. It was such a powerful commitment that it extended long after He physically left his earth.        Now, almost 2,000 years later, that handful of believers has conveyed the message of Jesus Christ by word of mouth down through centuries to vastly more people than...

The kinds of sentences

The types of  sentences  This is the clarification of clauses / sentences a long another parameter. Sentences of classified according to the mood. There are mainly three different types of mood in English: The indicative, the imperative, and the subjunctive. Another type of sentence is the exclamatory sentence. All these types of sentences can also be divided according to whether they are negative or affirmative. As the name indicates ,the negative sentence contains the negative particle. An affirmative  sentence is positive.                                                                                                                              ...

Cooperation vs Competition

One of the big reasons for the success of Network Marketing is that it's based on cooperation-not competition. Unlike traditional business, career advancement in Network Marketing comes directly from your helping to create success for all the people in your group, in your company, and in the industry as a whole.         Cooperation instead of competition is a powerful reason that more and more people are attracted to the Network Marketing concept. In fact, the best word I can think of to describe Network Marketing has become a business buzz word-empowerment. And Network Marketing is the most empowering business of all!      People just like you and me. All the kinds of people from every conceivable walk of life, from bank presidents... to house painters... to homemakers... to contractors... to chiropractors... to doctors... to engineers... to journalists... to janitors... to financial planners... to retirees on fixed incomes... to retirees s...

An Illegal Lottery

Any game of chance involving money is gambling, and gambling is illegal unless it's under the vigilant eyes of local,state,and federal officials.      The U.S. Postal Service has an investigation/enforcement division whose main mission in life is to catch people like chain-letter participants, put them into jail, and throw away the key. These federal agents are relentless. They carry badges, handcuffs, guns, the whole bit. And since they are "the Feds," their power extends everywhere. IRS agents are pussycats compared to these guys.                A chain letter is an illegal lottery. Outside of Tuesday night bingo at the local church or a non-profit group's fund-raising raffle, the state and federal governments are the only people who can operate a lottery legally.         Now, another variation on this get-rich-quick, money-tree scheme is the infamous "airplane game." Here's how it's played.

A Future Is Now

Ladies, and gentlemen, tomorrow is happening today. If you can't see it, if you don't know what's coming, your'e going to be left behind. And not just one or two steps behind either-miles behind! And things are moving so fast you may never catch up-ever!        Look, if you're not already in place, at the top, on a leading-edge career track where your job is out in the margins, literally working in the future today, you've got no better than one chance in 10,000 of making it to the top of an Old Economy company. Believe me, it;s true. What's left over all dull, dead-end government jobs, like airport luggage checkers... or cheap, unfulfilling service jobs-cleaning up after or waiting on the hot-shots smart enough to go where the action is now...and, more importantly, where it will be in the future.           Look around you. It's already happening. Leading-edge entrepreneurs, like the founders of    My, Facebook...

Income Options

Option 1: A job:  That's the trading-time-for-money trap we talked about before. No matter what you earn, there's neither security nor freedom in having a job. Having a job means you are two words away from the street-"you're fired!"                      Zig Ziglar, one of America's top sales motivators, once described the word JOB as "Just Over Broke." And in today's changing work world, the only for-sure-secure jobs are few and far between ones at the very top-or the millions of menial jobs at the very bottom. Option 2: Self-Employment: Most people fed up with being fired will turn to self employment in an effort to create more security in their work. However, as I pointed out earlier, the odds are stacked against you even for starting up the most modest of conventional small businesses-much less keeping it open and making it profitable.                     ...

Dreaming For Success

Let me tell you a wonderful story that illustrates the bigger key to success.         One day, a man walked into a psychiatrist's office and boy, did he look bad! He was ashen grey-like death warmed over-and he was shaking all over. His eyes were sunk deep into his head. He hadn't slept in months! He begged the doctor to help him!     The man told the psychiatrist about a recurring a dream he'd been having. Seems that every time he'd fall asleep, he'd have the same frightening nightmare. There is was , just walking down the street. He'd go right up to this building...come up to this huge door-and then, no matter how hard he pushed-he could never open the door to get inside!              He'd push and strain against the door-nothing! It wouldn't budge an inch. No matter what near-superhuman strength he could muster-nothing. The door just wouldn't open!      The psychiatrist thought for a momen...

The Time Is Money

The question become "How can you create wealth through exponential growth without having to invest thousands of dollars or without having to wait a life time while your small nest egg doubles itself into a small fortune?" The answer to that question can be found in an affordable, duplicatable, concept that combines franchise with exponential growth. It's called Network Marketing.    It's true that most people in this world don't have much money. But one thing we all have is time. Let's face it, all of us can re-organize our day to squeeze out a few more hours if we're serious about using that time to start creating true wealth. Here's a simple formula for success in the coming decades: T= Time invested in duplicating a copy cat model (Franchise concept) E2=Exponential Growth. $= Financial Freedom. T  × E2 = S In the pages that follow we are going to learn how Network Marketing will enable to copy cat your way to wealth by investi...

Women's literature course

When we talk about women's voices, we are talking about women's literature. But the term, "Women's literature"  raises some interesting questions. Many women writers declare that they are writers and sex is an accident. They deal with problems related to women. Some times they criticise the injustice done to women by men. They attack male ego and male domination.  It is possible to differentiate women's literature from literature produced by women. Women may write, and have written successfully as per the norms prescribed by men. But such works may not automatically  qualify as women's literature. Women's literature must have a strong flavour of its own and it must have universal appeal. It seeks to include women's experience which has been ignored. This experience is universally valid. A new literature such as women's literature is a evolving an open literature receiving new ideas and images. This literature cut across national, ra...

Synonyms and antonyms of words

What kind of person are you? Quiet, reserved, reticent, introvert, withdrawn? Or noisy, garrulous, talkative, loquacious, clubbable, gregarious, outgoing, extrovert ? Well, before you try and answer and the question, you will notice that there are two sets of words here and the words with in each set are quite similar though not identical in meaning such sets or words, are called synonyms. There are quite an amazingly large number of such sets in English. Synonyms are words with similar meanings in fact, the dictionary defines synonym as " a word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language " . The meaning of a synonym depends on the contest of its usage. Creative writers have always exploited the subtle differences between synonyms. The differences may consist in shades of meaning or some times even simple in the effect the words create.

A grammar of English

The last major level at which the English has changed considerably from the old English period to the modern is GRAMMAR. The heads are : (1) The dropping of inflections (2)  The discard of grammatical gender (3) The increase importance of word order. There have been many other changes too. One of the great changes that have taken place in the grammar of English is the dropping of inflections. Inflections are changes in the form of a word, its ending or spelling. It is in order to show its grammatical functions in a sentence. Thus the plural endings of nouns, or the past tens endings of verbs, are inflections. Now old English was a highly inflected language. Not only nouns and verbs, but even adjectives and pronouns had inflectional endings which showed their grammatical relationship with the rest of the sentence. Most of these inflections are not found in modern English. In fact, you find that most of them had disappeared even by the Middle English period. A present, nou...

American novels

The novel, as a literary form, appeared late in America. In the colonial period, those who had the skill to write served the cause of religion and politics. There was religious forever. In America, the Puritans established a Congregationalist Church, in close association with their political rules. Church priests ever appointed by ability rather then by official patronage. Surprisingly, with in a hundred years, the America novel became independent of the British novel. After the First World War, the American novel excelled the British novel, a fact accepted by the British novelists them selves. The Puritans believed in the Bible as the source of all authority. There is a controversy about what should be considered to be an American novel. It is more appropriate to confer the states of the first American novel on a work of fiction, which deals with a characterless American theme and technique. Large numbers of novels were written in the eighteenth and early  nineteenth ce...

Black grams benefits

Food is very important in our daily life it comes from fields. Among them we are taking paddy, wheat,grams etc... Black gram is giving physical structure to the body.Which we are using in our daily food also it is using medicine of homeopathy.It has very important in forming field of our country ( India ). Which is contain husk of black gram,it can useful to cleaning and digestion of any carbohydrate foods of our body. Uses of black gram It gives energy to the body. It contain iron, it helps to develop the red blood vessels. Also it contain potassium, calcium and carbohydrates these can clean digestive system also balancing the blood sugar and glucose levels. It can use any injures the increase of bone marrow.It is the natural food,so using of black gram helps to the health and body building then you becomes a strong citizen.

Development of human organs

Adolescence is the period of reproductive maturate which lies usually between the age of 10 to 19 years. During adolescence a child's body undergoes many changes physically as well as mentally. Male and female organs like the testes and penis develop completely. Pituitary glands secrete harmony which include growth hormones and other stimulating hormones that make other glands such as the testes, ovary, adrenals etc...secrete hormones. Testosterone is the male hormone and estrogen is the female hormone that bring about development of several secondary sexual characters. The uterine wall the female prepares itself to receive the developing fertilized eggs. In case there is no fertilization,the thickened lining of the uterus wall breaks down and goes out of the body along with the blood.This is called menstruation. In girls breast begin to develop where as in boys, facial hair, mustaches and beards begin to grow. The organs which by children are identified as boy...

Problems about diabetes

According to problems generally these are divided into two parts :    Speed and heavy problems  These are happening in very short time. These are diabetes Kito Acidosis ( DKA )  Hyper Glycemia Hyper Asmo-lar state (HHS) Diabetes Kito Acidosis ( DKA ) Generally most of the people are called DKA. This is occurs heavily in the stage of one or two type of diabetes followings are the symptoms  of 1.Stomach pain 2.Feeling of vomiting 3. Problems in breathing  4. Decreasing in the raising of  5.Loss of memory Who are using insulin every day when ever in the situation of  heavy stress according to that in change the dose of insulin then can keep far away the Kito Acidosis .If in case the patient of diabetes not use the insulin any day some times it is going to dangerous.   Hyper Glycemia Hyper Asmo-lar state (HHS) We can see this type-2 of diabetes patients most of the old age people wh...

Prediabetes diet

Generally the stage in between stage of health and diabetes. Who are taken blood test about sugar ( glucose ) 100-125 mg /dL before eat or 140-190 mg/dL after eaten the food in two hours or HbA ( glycosylated hemoglobin ) 5.7%  to 6.4% who are suffering such people are belongs to this stage. May be we can see these three in a person. Then he can take how he can prevent the diabetes. Who are suffering with heavy body or not working hardly such people are must be maintain yoga or healthy food then he can prevent the diabetes 2. Conformation of diabetes Test                                               Healthy persons            prediabetes            diabetes  Before eating                                ...

Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes this is we can see the symptoms of diabetes in the following: 1.  More hungry 2.  More times passing the urine 3.  Most thirsty 4.  Loss of weight 5.  Soon tiredness 6.  Weakness 7.   Feeling of flowing fuss in the foot 8.   Increasing of wounds 9.   Lack of vision 10. Infection in the organs Who are suffering with these symptoms then take the blood test with suggestion of doctor.

Types of diabetes

Normally the main reasons of the diabetes are divided in to four types: Types  - 1.Diabetes type-1 2.Diabetes type-2 3.Diabetes in the stage of pregnancy ( gestational diabetes mellitus ) Diabetes type-1 We can see this type of diabetes to the children and adults. Main symptoms of diabetes over urine, heavy thirsty, heavy hungry, loss of weight etc... are the symptoms of type of diabetes. In this stage the patient is not taken care it is reaches to Diabetes Kito acidosis (DKA). Generally it comes the age of below 30. Diabetes type-2 Generally this type of diabetes is coming to the old age people most of the people are suffering with the type-2 of diabetes. We are watching since 30 years. We are looking the diabetes some times in present citizens. Who are not working hardly we can see the diabetes in such people. Diabetes in the stage of pregnancy In medically  it is called Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ( GDM ). This type of diabetes in the period of pr...

Increased diabetes mellitus

Suffering people about diabetes Day by day increasing the patients of diabetes in our country it is the major problem of whole of the universal. Paste two decades increased  diabetes patients. In the year 1985 totally patients are 30 millions of the people suffered that is increased 382 millions of the diabetes patients in the year of 2013. At the same time it came up to 2015  about 415 millions of the people are increased. This is goes to in the following year 2040 nearly 642 millions is going to reach. Total of the world nearly  5.4 lakh of the children are suffering with diabetes one. According to present calculations 318 people are suffering "free diabetes". They are reaches the dangers stage of diabetes.

Food and Health topics

Ancient time on words species of human beings played a important role in food and health. Now a days total universal of the science is fighting about the health. So, necessity is the development of structure of human body to development of body he can take proteins of food in a balance. We known in between of relationship of health and food . Human being can maintain of the health can take useful of the food. To know everybody to it it has very necessity. Who ever absorbed about food which can to eat with out a pain to privet any disease.

Hazards of food colouring in artificial

Food colouring refers to any substance which is added to food impart a desirable colour to it. Quite a lot of food we eat as colour added to it: confectionery , breakfast cereals, pickles, cakes, soft drinks, sauces, ice creams, potato chips, jams and jellies, bread, chewing gum, wine, biscuits, juices, noodles and many, and many more. The colour of food even influences its perceived flavour. When manufacturing food, its natural pigments are often lost due to chemical processes. Therefore, the colours which we assume the  food should    have are then artificially restored to it. Food prepared in restaurants contains a lot of red and yellow food colouring in order to add to the aesthetic presentation of food. In restaurants abroad, where Indian food is becoming very popular, it is a common perception that the redder the 'curry' is, the better its tastes. It has been reported that packaged spices like red chilli powder and turmeric often contain other powdered substanc...