An Illegal Lottery
Any game of chance involving money is gambling, and gambling is illegal unless it's under the vigilant eyes of local,state,and federal officials.
The U.S. Postal Service has an investigation/enforcement division whose main mission in life is to catch people like chain-letter participants, put them into jail, and throw away the key. These federal agents are relentless. They carry badges, handcuffs, guns, the whole bit. And since they are "the Feds," their power extends everywhere. IRS agents are pussycats compared to these guys.
A chain letter is an illegal lottery. Outside of Tuesday night bingo at the local church or a non-profit group's fund-raising raffle, the state and federal governments are the only people who can operate a lottery legally.
Now, another variation on this get-rich-quick, money-tree scheme is the infamous "airplane game." Here's how it's played.
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