The Power Of Christianity

Perhaps the most extraordinary example of the power of Networking is Christianity.

    About 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ appeared with a compelling message about a new and better way of doing things. He gathered around him a small core group of people-average folks: fishermen, tax collectors, teenagers, and the like-who caught the vision, whi shared His dream. He spoke to individuals, small grouos, and large gatherings. The word spread.

            Yet even among His ardebt believers and followers, there was one who betrayed Him and others who denied and doubted, too. But no matter, for Jesus had taken a stand for a new way of living that was unshakable. It was such a powerful commitment that it extended long after He physically left his earth.

       Now, almost 2,000 years later, that handful of believers has conveyed the message of Jesus Christ by word of mouth down through centuries to vastly more people than that small, original group probably ever dreamed possible-today more than 25% of the population on this planet are Christians...that's well over a billion people-and growing!

        The spread of Christianity throughout the world was accomplished by many of the same principles we find operating today in Network Markwting: word-of-mouth or person-to-person recommendations... testimonials... enthusiastic sharing... caring for the success of others... recognition, friendship, partnership, and much more.

         Christianity is a perfect example of the awesome power of Networking.


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