Synonyms and antonyms of words

What kind of person are you? Quiet, reserved, reticent, introvert, withdrawn? Or noisy, garrulous, talkative, loquacious, clubbable, gregarious, outgoing, extrovert ? Well, before you try and answer and the question, you will notice that there are two sets of words here and the words with in each set are quite similar though not identical in meaning such sets or words, are called synonyms. There are quite an amazingly large number of such sets in English.

Synonyms are words with similar meanings in fact, the dictionary defines synonym as "a word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language" . The meaning of a synonym depends on the contest of its usage.

Creative writers have always exploited the subtle differences between synonyms. The differences may consist in shades of meaning or some times even simple in the effect the words create.


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