Wireless Charging is Apple’s New AirPods

50 percent longer talk time and optional wireless charging rolled out second generation Airports on march 20, adding hands-free Siri access. People's ears and perceived potential for the wireless head phones have been hit for Apple. It expanding revenue beyond i phones.

It looks in new version and costs. It will available in stores to next week. The apple says increase the ability and talk time. The device, is announcement since 2017. Apple did't mention as its wireless air power charging pad. It is designed in to as charge air pods an Apple watch also an i phone.

The head phone's are key role for expand revenue of Apple and it sells some i phones. Now new model also available with wireless chargers.

According to a report earlier the month by research for sold of Apple nearly 35 million pairs in 2018. It's not break out revenue for the device . The new model is demand the balance of better supply to suggesting about quoting ship dates to the end of march.

Now the new products can focus on the expected launch of video streaming and subscription services at event on 25th of march.


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