D memory problem

Memory is integral to all earnings. It is equally important for language learning. Language involves the naming of object, actions, there descriptions and there inter relation ships and concepts. The traditional descriptions for this was parts of speech. When we learn a language, we associate each of the above with the words used for the in that language. This association of the words it what they signify, called the signifier and the signified respectively, involves the operation of the memory.

            When we learn a new language, which is similar to our own we easily acquire the words that are similar in meaning in the two languages.

                Similarly structurel patterns of two languages are compared and contrasted. Pattern recognition is achieved through memory. Language is not as isolated words but has chunks or phrases. When retrived helped in the rapid ecquisition of language.

          While language learning is essentially cognitive process involving rule discovery, it is also assisted by pattern practice through repetition. Memory thus has an important role to play in language learning.



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