Language as communication barrier

Language is as communication and studying a language merely as a system or knowing the forms can not achieve the ends of language, that is, communication.

                               Intention and meaning are conveyed through language. The form is the means, but form alone will not achieve communicative ends.

                  The project resulted in the drawing up a list of functions like, introducing, thanking appologizing etc. And notions like 'willingness', 'necessity', 'compulsion', 'obligation' etc.

                                This effort ride to establish that meaning and communication are the vital functions which language performs.

              When we deal with language as communication fluency is more important than accuracy. The preoccupation it accuracy deters students from talking freely errors will fall off only if the language is used extensively.

              More important in the communication view of language is the concept of appropriacy . It is not enough if language is accurate it must be appropriate to the contest.



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