language learning principles system


Teaching and learning languages are particle nature. The effectiveness of language learning is judged by the ability of the learners to use the language learnt. In academic settings effort is made to felicity it language learning so that learns can use the language they required as early as they can. In order to do this principle governing language and language learning have been studied. Approaches to language teaching are based on thees principles. To disciplines have contributed in a major way to language teaching in academic settings. These are linguistics and psychology.

Language is also a social phenomenon. Hence  societal factors also effect language learning these falls with  in the scope of sociology.


Linguistics as an academic discipline emerged in the early twentieth century. It is the scientific study of language. Every language as a definite number of elements which combine in fixed ways to communicate meaning. Learning the structures of the language leads to its mastery. Not only written languages but spoken languages with out a corresponding written code code were recorded and studied.

Each language has a set of permissible forms. Some universal general properties of language, like tense, number and gender are part of the formal aspects of languages, beside, each language has its a specific typological properties like the article system are specific word order.

We first hear the spoken form a language. The way a word is pronounced is important for it to be recognized. This sound description phonological form of the word.

The spoken form of the word is written down using graphic symbols. This is the spelling of the word. In many languages there is a symbol for every sound in the language and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the two. In some languages like English there is no correspondence learning the spelling becomes important in these languages. For example, in the word 'psychology', the letter 'p' is not pronounced, the first 'y' has a different sound from the second 'y'. The spoken form of the word is different from the return form. The phonological form is important for pronunciation and the orthography. 


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